Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcut Keys

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Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcut Keys
Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcut Keys

Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcut Keys


कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट

ऑब्जेक्ट का समूह बनाना


ऑब्जेक्ट को असमूहीकृत करना


ग्रिड को दिखाओ या छिपाओ


गाइड को छिपाओ या दिखाओ


ग्रिड या गाइड सेटिंग्स बदलने के लिए


स्वत: आकृति मेनू दिखाने के लिए और आकार डालने के लिए

Alt+U -> Ctrl+ENTER

पूर्ण वर्ग डालें

Shift दबाकर ड्रा करना शुरू करें

चयन कर के एक दिशा में जाएँ


ज़ूम करने के लिए

Ctrl+mouse wheel

डुप्लीकेट selectedshapes


नई स्लाइड डालें


एक तरह के फिगर ड्रा करें

उपकरण पट्टी चिह्न पर डबल क्लिक करें

अंतिम क्रिया दोहराएँ


मेनू पट्टी को सक्रिय करें


कॉन्टेक्स्ट मेनू

Shift+F10 or Windows special key

नई प्रस्तुति बनाएँ


एक प्रस्तुतियों खोलें


प्रस्तुति बंद करें


प्रस्तुति प्रिंट करें


प्रस्तुति सेव करें


PowerPoint से बाहर निकलने के लिए


पाठ ढूंढना


पाठ बदलें


अंतिम ढुंढने की कार्यवाही दोहराएँ


एक हाइपरलिंक सम्मिलित करें


एक कार्रवाई पूर्ववत करें


फिर से करें या एक कार्रवाई को दोहराएँ


अगले फलक(पेन) पर जाने के लिए


पिछले फलक(पेन) पर जाने के लिए


एक कार्रवाई रद्द करने के लिए


Save As कमांड के लिए


Save कमांड के लिए


ओपन करने के लिए


प्रिंट कमांड के लिए


विसुअल बेसिक का कोड देखने के लिए


PowerPoint shortcut keys in English


Runs the presentation (View > Slide Show)

Shift + F3

Toggles between lowercase, mixedcase and uppercase on the selection

Shift + F9

Toggles the display of Guide Lines

Shift + Enter

Enters a line break (Soft break)

Ctrl + A

Selects all the objects on the active slide

Ctrl + T

Displays the (Format > Font) dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Toggle between the Slides and Outlines tabs (Normal view)

Ctrl + Shift + G

Group the currently selected objects / shapes

Ctrl + Shift + H

Ungroups the currently selected object / shape

Alt + Shift + F4

Closes all the presentations (saving first) and exits PowerPoint (File > Exit)

Function Keys


Display Help or the Office Assistant


Select the text box containing an object or text


Repeats the last presentation action (Edit > Repeat) (not Format Autoshape dialog)


Runs the presentation (View > Slide Show)


Moves to the next pane in the presentation (clockwise)


Displays the (Tools > Spelling) dialog box


Toggles the activation of the Menu Bar


Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box

Shift + Function

Shift + F1

Activates the context sensitive Whats this ? prompt (Help > Whats This)

Shift + F3

Toggles between lowercase, mixedcase and uppercase on the selection

Shift + F4

Repeat the last Find, the same as (Edit > Find Next)

Shift + F6

Moves to the previous pane in the presentation (anti-clockwise)

Shift + F9

Toggles the display of Guide Lines

Shift + F10

Display the (Shortcut) menu for the selected item

Shift + F12

Saves, Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box if a new presentation

Ctrl + Function

Ctrl + F4

Closes the active presentation or window (File > Close)

Ctrl + F5

Restore the size of the active presentation or window

Ctrl + F6

Moves to the next presentation window

Ctrl + F7

Activates the Move window command

Ctrl + F8

Activates the Resize window command

Ctrl + F9

Minimises the size of the active presentation or window

Ctrl + F10

Maximise the size of the active presentation or window

Ctrl + F12

Displays the (File > Open) dialog box

Other + Function

Alt + F2

Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box

Alt + F4

Closes the active presentation (saving first) and exits PowerPoint (File > Exit)

Alt + F5

Restore the program window size

Alt + F7

Find next mispelt word – continue (Tools > Spelling) ??

Alt + F8

Displays the (Tools > Macros > Macro) dialog box

Alt + F9

Toggles the display of the Grid

Alt + F10

Maximise the program window

Alt + F11

Toggles between the Visual Basic Editor window and the PowerPoint window

Alt + Shift + F2

Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box

Alt + Shift + F4

Closes the active presentation (saving first) and exits PowerPoint (File > Exit)

Alt + Shift + F10

Displays the drop-down menu for the corresponding smart tag

Ctrl + Shift + F10

Activates the Menu Bar or displays the (View > Toolbars) dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + F12

Displays the (File > Print) dialog box

Ctrl + Numbers

Alt + Shift + 1

Show Heading 1 (Outline view)

Alt + Shift + 9

Expands all text in the presentation (Outline view)

Ctrl + Letters

Ctrl + A

Selects all the objects on the active slide

Ctrl + B

Toggles bold on the current selection

Ctrl + C

Copies the current selection to the clipboard (Edit > Copy)

Ctrl + D

Make a duplicate of the selected slide (Edit > Duplicate)

Ctrl + E

Centre aligns the current selection

Ctrl + F

Displays the (Edit > Find) dialog box

Ctrl + G

Displays the (View > Grid and Guides) dialog box

Ctrl + H

Displays the (Edit > Replace) dialog box

Ctrl + I

Toggles italics on the current selection

Ctrl + J

Justifies the current selection

Ctrl + K

Displays the (Insert > Hyperlink) dialog box (in a textbox)

Ctrl + L

Left aligns the current selection

Ctrl + M

Inserts a new slide (Insert > New Slide)

Ctrl + N

Creates a new presentation (File > New)

Ctrl + O

Displays the (File > Open) dialog box

Ctrl + P

Displays the (File > Print) dialog box

Ctrl + R

Right aligns the current selection

Ctrl + S

Saves, Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box if a new presentation

Ctrl + T

Displays the (Format > Font) dialog box

Ctrl + U

Toggles (continuous) underlying of the selection

Ctrl + V

Pastes the entry from the clipboard (Edit > Paste)

Ctrl + W

Closes the active presentation or window (File > Close)

Ctrl + X

Cuts the current selection to the clipboard (Edit > Cut)

Ctrl + Y

Repeats the last Presentation action (Edit > Repeat)

Ctrl + Z

Undo the last Presentation action (Edit > Undo)

Others + Letters

Ctrl + Shift + B

Opens the Outlook Address Book

Ctrl + Shift + C

Copies the formatting attributes from the current selection to the clipboard

Ctrl + Shift + F

Activates the Font Names drop-down on the Formatting toolbar

Ctrl + Shift + G

Group the currently selected objects / shapes

Ctrl + Shift + H

Ungroups the currently selected object / shape

Ctrl + Shift + P

Activates the Font Size drop-down on the Formatting toolbar

Ctrl + Shift + V

Pastes the formatting attributes from the clipboard on to the selection

Alt + D

Displays the (Slide Show) menu

Alt + E

Displays the (Edit) menu

Alt + F

Displays the (File) menu

Alt + H

Displays the (Help) menu

Alt + I

Displays the (Insert) menu

Alt + K

Checks the names in the To, Cc and Bcc lines against the Address Book

Alt + O

Displays the (Format) menu

Alt + S

Displays an e-mail message containing the active presentation

Alt + T

Displays the (Tools) menu

Alt + U

Displays the AutoShapes drop-down menu on the Drawing toolbar

Alt + V

Displays the (View) menu

Alt + W

Displays the (Window) menu

Alt + Shift + A

Show all or collapse all text or headings (Outline view)

Entering Data


Enters a new paragraph

Shift + Enter

Enters a line break (Soft break)

Ctrl + Tab

Inserts a tab in a table cell

Extending Data

Shift + Home

Extends the selection to the beginning of the line

Shift + End

Extends the selection to the end of the line

Shift + Up Arrow

Extends the selection one line up

Shift + Down Arrow

Extends the selection one line down

Shift + Left Arrow

Extends the selection one character to the left

Shift + Right Arrow

Extends the selection one character to the right

Ctrl + Shift + Home

Extends the selection to the beginning of the textbox

Ctrl + Shift + End

Extends the selection to the end of the textbox

Selecting Data

Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow

Selects to the line above

Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

Selects to the line below

Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow

Selects to the beginning of the word

Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow

Selects to the end of the word


Deletes one character to the right


Deletes one character to the left

Ctrl + Delete

Deletes one word to the right

Ctrl + Backspace

Deletes one word to the left

Formatting Data

Ctrl + ]

Increases the font size to the next size in the drop-down list

Ctrl + [

Decreases the font size to the next size in the drop-down list

Ctrl + Shift + >

Increases the font size to the next size in the drop-down list

Ctrl + Shift + <

Decreases the font size to the next size in the drop-down list

Ctrl + =

Toggles Subscript on the selection

Ctrl + Shift + =

Toggles Superscript on the selection


Arrow Keys

Moves one character or line in the given direction


Moves to the first or next hyperlink / object / cell

Shift + Tab

Moves to the last or previous hyperlink / object / cell


Moves to the beginning of the line


Moves to the end of the line

Page Up

Moves to the previous slide

Page Down

Moves to the next slide

Shift + Page Up

Moves to the previous slide

Shift + Page Down

Moves to the next slide

Ctrl + Home

Moves to the beginning of the text box

Ctrl + End

Moves to the end of the text box

Ctrl + Up Arrow

Moves up one paragraph

Ctrl + Down Arrow

Moves down one paragraph

Ctrl + Left Arrow

Moves one word to the left

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Moves one word to the right

Ctrl + Enter

Moves to the next title or body text placeholder


Alt + Tab

Toggles between all your open applications

Alt + Shift + Tab

Toggles backwards between all your open applications

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Toggles between the Outline tab and the Slides tab in Normal view.

Ctrl + Spacebar

Remove manual character formatting returning the text back to its default


Cancels the action or closes the dialog box

Alt + Shift + Left Arrow

Promotes a paragraph (Outline view)

Alt + Shift + Right Arrow

Demotes a paragraph (Outline view)

Alt + Shift + Up Arrow

Moves the selected paragraphs up (Outline view)

Alt + Shift + Down Arrow

Moves the selected paragraphs down (Outline view)

Alt + Shift + +

Expands the text below a heading (Outline view)

Alt + Shift + –

Collapses the text below a heading (Outline view)


Turn character formatting on or off (numeric keypad)

Alt + Escape

Switches to the next program

Ctrl + Escape

Displays the Start Menu

Print Screen

Copies a picture of the whole screen to the clipboard

Alt + Print Screen

Copies a picture of just the active window to the clipboard

Redundant Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + Shift + F6

Move to the previous presentation window ??

Alt + S

Send presentation as an email ??

Alt + K

Check the names in email against the address book ??

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