Vodafone सिम कार्ड के सभी जरूरी USSD कोड जानें।
Vodafone सिम कार्ड के USSD कोड
Check main balance of Vodafone
*111*2# or *141#
Check GPRS or internet balance
Check free SMS balance of Vodafone
Check free Minutes in Vodafone
Check validity of Vodafone number
Check Mobile number with main balance
Vodafone Alert
Vodafone Best fit offers
Know 3G data card balance
Activate One day Vodafone internet
Rs 8, 20 Mb 3G plan
1 day GPRS 2G pack
3 Days GPRS pack 2G
7 Days GPRS pack
15 days GPRS pack
1 Month GPRS pack
5 GB 1 month 3G GPRS pack
8 GB 1 month 3G GPRS pack Vodafone
Balance transfer from one phone to other
131*<Amount><Receiver mobile no>#